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UHMWPE engineering plastic alloy MGE supporting cushion block / bar / stick / brick


所属分类: MG Engineering Plastic Sheets

Summary:UHMWPEengineeringplasticalloyMGEsupportingcushionblock/bar/stick/brick  hasthebestperformancefactorsofalltheengineeringplastics.Itiscalledanamazingmaterialbecauseitscharacteristicsofwearresistance,imp

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Detailed description

UHMWPE engineering plastic alloy MGE supporting cushion block / bar / stick / brick 


has the best performance factors of all the engineering plastics.

It is called an amazing material because its characteristics of wear resistance, impact resistance, corrosion resistance, self-lubricating, impact absorption better than any other existing plastic material. Applications include guide rails, wear plates, rollers, conveyor augers, bin and hopper lines, chutes, bearings, bushings, gears, supporting blocks for auto, bridge, shipyard etc.


Application : 

 MGE UHMWPE materials are mostly used in large heavy load, corrosive and not easy to refuel or heavy water conservancy projects.

Like the hinge bearing of arc door, Large load pulley bearing, thrust bearing, joint bearing, slide plate, gate slide block, herringbone door support bearing, turbine guide vane bearing, etc.

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