removable arena dasher boards for China Sports Show
所属分类: -- Hockey ( Ice ) rink dasher boards
Summary:RemovablearenadasherboardsforChinaSportsShow 1.CustomizableBecauseitisavailableinslabs,theshapeandsizeoftherinkcanbelargelycustomized2.QuickinstallationQuickassembly/disassemblythankstothepuzzleblindi
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Removable arena dasher boards for China Sports Show
1. Customizable
Because it is available in slabs, the shape and size of the rink can be largely customized
2. Quick installation
Quick assembly/disassembly thanks to the puzzle blindin system that guarantees a flat and level surface of the rink.
3. Inexpensive
Low operating and maintenance costs
4.For any type of skates
No special ice skates are required, it can be used with traditional ice skates
5. Usable 365 days a year
The system can be used in any place and in any weather condition.
6.Easy skating
skating experience similar to that on natural ice
7. unaffected by the weather or place
year-round skating indoor and outdoor with every weather
8. Extensive use
use for leisure and professional activities
9.Low costs
It does not require refrigeration - low maintenance costs
10. Free Play
The same movements, jumps and tricks can be implemented as on real ice
11.Long life services
The lifespan is significantly longer than that of the traditional plastic ice-rinks
12.Any size can be customized.
Attached pictures is what Xinxing designed for China Sports Show , its special design can depart into 2 parts for one Hockey arena . Also , if you have any other idea about specification or design , welcome for your kind contact !
Please kindly connect Ms June ( june@sdxxhg.com +86 18769467160 )
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