leather cutting machine and leather cutting board
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Belong to the classification: Industry News
2021-09-15 00:00
What is cutting machine?
It Is shoe gloves clicker press leather cutting machine.
The machine is suitable for cutting single layer or multiple layers of leather,
plastic, paperboard, fabric and other materials by forming cutter. It is an ideal
cutting device for shoemaking, luggage & baggage, clothing, automobile,
artwork, packaging, electronics and other industries.
What is the necessary part for this cutting machine ?
It is the leather shoes gloves cutting plastic board
Standard size 900 X 450 X 50 mm / 1500 X 450 X 50 mm
Popular material PP & PU
Main key words plastic cutting boards /leather cutting board / leather punching plate / shoe or glove cutting board
The Shore D of RJ-SQ is 75-80
Thickness 25-50 mm tolerance +/- 0.8 mm
Length and wide tolerance +/- 2 mm
If you are the manufacturer of gloves , shoes or other industry which need to cut leather , then must need the cutting machine and the cutting board .
We produce the plastic leather cutting board with customized size and color .
Your kind contact will have a 100% attention !
june@sdxxhg.com whatsapp 0086 18653460618
Keywords: PP,plastic,cutting,board
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